In 2020, we have achieved great things together in the Brucklyn Quartier, demonstrating precisely the flexibility and innovation that define the Brucklyn’s work and lifestyle concept. We have taken on and overcome challenges as well as seized opportunities and blazed new trails. Follow us on a look back at the highlights of the year and a look ahead to the most exciting innovations that the Brucklyn Quartier will experience in 2021!
More innovation, more color, more variety
In 2020, numerous coworkers were and became part of the Brucklyn community. We are happy about the loyalty of our existing coworkers and about the newcomers we welcomed to Brucklyn Hall this year. Many deliberately traded white office space for our colorful location in order to freely unleash their creativity.
Successful digital events and projects that inspire
The PM Forum and PMO Day took place digitally this year – with Brucklyn Hall as the streaming location. With our show staircase the “Presentation-Stairs” the perfect location was ready for this event and the kitchen of Brucklyn Hall became the studio. Sarah Wiener was not only a guest speaker, but also conjured up a delicious feast in our show kitchen. You can find some impressions on our Facebook page.
Who says adults can’t play in the sandbox anymore? That’s right: no one. That’s why we were all the more pleased to welcome the FAU Sandbox to Brucklyn Hall. Eleven young startups presented their interesting business and future ideas. Read more on Facebook
Together with FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, we welcomed six guests from all over the world as part of the pilot project “Presidents Welcome Award“. While they focus on their research, they stay in our apartments.
Working in safety with a sophisticated hygiene concept

We quickly and straightforwardly implemented the recommended measures to contain the pandemic at the Brucklyn – the health of our residents, coworkers, visitors and employees was and remains our clear priority in times of the global pandemic and was our top priority this year. We provided protective masks and disinfectant dispensers in our buildings and disinfected all surfaces several times a day. This made Brucklyn Hall the perfect alternative to a home office: all hygienic precautions can be taken and the distance to other coworkers can be maintained without any problems.

Just meeting the government’s requirements and recommendations for people’s safety was not enough for us. We expanded our hygiene concept even further and also rely on modern and innovative technology. With air filters, the air remains particle-free – before and after ventilation.
A cold fog machine with air disinfectant helps clean rooms and common areas and contributes to long-term protection against bacteria and viruses. In addition, CO2 sensors analyze the temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in the indoor spaces.
Für unser Hygienekonzept wurden wir mit dem B-A-D Siegel „Arbeitsschutzstandard Covid-19“ ausgezeichnet. Wir lassen uns an diesem Standard gerne messen, um allen im Brucklyn Sicherheit und die Gewissheit zu geben, dass ihre Gesundheit unsere oberste Priorität ist.
The Brucklyn Quartier in constant change
The Brucklyn never stands still and is constantly evolving. The existing parts of the quartier are designed to offer an ever better experience for living and working – in 2020, we were able to promote the mobility of our residents, coworkers and visitors in particular and have taken care of their health with new acquisitions and concepts in the hygiene sector.
With new charging points for electric cars in our parking garages, we especially welcome all e-cars to the Brucklyn. Even without your own car, there are hardly any limits to flexibility and mobility – thanks to the new car sharing station at the Brucklyn!
What 2021 promises
We are looking forward to the completion of the ongoing construction work and exciting projects that are coming up in the coming year.
A cozy café, Café Alfons, will move into our apartment building and invite all guests to linger. We are already planning to try out the whole menu!

A local supermarket will move into the first floor of Brucklyn Hall in 2021. This will add a practical and convenient shopping option to the work and lifestyle concept in the heart of the Brucklyn Quartier. Coworkers will have the opportunity to go shopping in a relaxed way after work, while residents of the apartments will pick up ingredients for cooking directly and freshly from the supermarket across the street. Friends can meet for a coffee and spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere. What could be better?
With the completion of the Central Building, another building will be inaugurated in 2021 as part of the Brucklyn Quartier: Brucklyn Living. Here, serviced apartments, offices and a gastro hotspot will be created for the perfect experience of living and working in close proximity and with all the freedom and possibilities.